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Manual and Rules of Sport Fight



This manual aims to standardize and discipline the dynamic of Free Wrestling at events held by CBLLD.



From the beginning of the fight


Art. 1 Before the start of each fight, the central referee shall take the athletes to the center of the area, check that both are in position and then clarify any doubts that either party may have.


Art. 2 The referee will place the two athletes face to face in the center of the area. He will authorize the table to start the stopwatch count and then give the gesture and command to the oral combat athletes.


Art. 3 The athlete who anticipates the referee's command will be advised. If you repeat the same attitude, you will be penalized with one (1) negative point in advance.

Single paragraph. The central referee may not apply the penalty if he or she notices that the athlete was cheated by a third party. Like, for example, screams from the audience.

Art. 4 After the start of the match, any stop or restart of the stopwatch shall be authorized by the central referee, who shall indicate accordingly.

Paralysis in the course of the struggle


Art. 5 These are situations that cause the stoppage of the fight and the stopwatch:

- The exit (escape) of any athlete from the combat area that implies a delay of return of more than 5 (five) seconds;


- When requested by some of the athletes due to injury, discomfort or injury, provided they do not constitute a withdrawal or a termination resulting from the fight itself.


- Any other relevant reason, requested by the referee or the table, such as technical problems in the timer, sweat in the area of fight, tearing athletic competition clothes and etc.

Art. 6 If any of the above reasons is established, the central referee will signal to the table and to the athletes, so that the time and the fight are paralyzed.


Art. 7 The necessary time will be given, understood by the central referee, so that the fight has its resumption and natural result, provided that the term is respected, in each case, not exceeding the maximum limit of 5 minutes. If this time is exceeded, the solution will be as follows:

- If the stoppage was caused by discomfort or injury of one of the athletes, after the time limit has passed, the victory will be given to the opponent;

- If the interruption is caused by any other reason, after the deadline, the fight will be suspended. After being rescheduled by the organization, the fight will be restarted from the point where it was interrupted.


Art. 8 At the moment of stopping, if the fight is in a total

Undefined, this will be restarted with the two athletes standing in the center of the fighting area.

§ 1º If in a defined position, it comes back the way it was.

§ 2 In case that the athletes are in a position "almost" defined, the restart is given as follows:


- Requested by telephone in the case in point: The fight returns to the center with a "finished" position (Subject to the following hypothesis).

Example: If an athlete with one of the hooks has already been placed to catch as the opponent's back, and the opponent requests a stoppage. A fight with a position already completed. That is, with the athlete who was tempted to take the back, in the finished position (with the two hooks or backpack), and with the points computed in their favor;

- Requested by the act that is being defended, but as a consequence of an involuntary action of the opponent: The fight returns, in the center, in the same position and in "stand by".

Example: An involuntary blow to the genitalia during a half-guarded passage. The athletes return to the most likely position before the stop (half guard) in the stand by position (hands up). And, only, after having been authorized or resumption of combat, they come back as their actions.


- Paralyzed by the referee: The fight, as in the previous hypothesis, returns in the same position and in "stand by".

Single paragraph. In such cases, cases of anticipation of the referee's command shall be applied as penalties.

Conclusion and outcome of the struggle

Art. 9 The fights should define:

By points, with the end of regulation time;

By joint decision of referee and table, following the tiebreaker criteria;


Loss of senses;


By decision of the referee to preserve the integrity of one of the athletes;

By medical interruption;


When the standstill timeout has elapsed.

Art. 10 The fight ends with the end of time, being victorious and athlete who counts the highest number of points. Brave for official time accounting, the time marked on the table.

§ 1º In case of tie in the normal time, according to the rules of each event, there will be extra time (extension). In case of extra time, so it will be considered end of fight when this provision ends.


§ 2 If, at the end of the fight and extra time, the tie persists, the fight shall be decided according to the following criteria:


1º Victory for the most aggressive athlete;

2nd Victory for the athlete who almost finished more times;

3rd Victory for the athlete who spent most of the time on top;

Paragraph 3. If, even after certain criteria, the tie still persists, a fight shall be decided by lot.

Paragraph 4. In case of fight against the suspension, it will be useful to conclude the remaining time for the fight to be considered to find and its final result.


Art. 11 The fight ended by withdrawal when the athlete or his coach manifests itself to an umpire or a table in this sense, being declared victorious, the opponent. Can be:

- through two (2) consecutive caps in the opponent's body or in the area of ​​the fight;

- by means of a verbal or gestual request addressed to the referee or to the board;

- through shouting, grunting or any other sound produced by one of the athletes, that leads to arbitration to arrive at this understanding.

Art. 12 The fight is ended when the loss is felt by any of the athletes, being declared victorious, the opponent

Art. 13 The fight will end whenever, as a result of a technique or movement performed by one of the athletes, allowed by the rule, it generates risk, in the opinion of the

Integrity of any athlete. For example, a well-fitting position, with the arm almost breaking. Or a wrong exit or defense movement, which exposes the athlete's cervical to injury. And so on.


Art. 14 Paralyzed the fight by reason of injury, discomfort, or injury of one of the athletes, without these constitute a desistência or finalization, the doctor will be asked to examine it. If the latter understands by the continuation, the fight follows normally, otherwise, it will be decreed the end, being declared victorious, the adversary.



Standing fight moves


Art. 15 Once authorized the beginning of the fight the athletes, in the fight standing, can seek the finalization from now or look for other positions of punctuation.


Single paragraph. The athlete who chooses to pull his opponent to guard or half-guard will not be punished, but in case of a tie, as there are no advantages, one of the tiebreaker criteria will be to benefit the athlete who stayed most of the time over .


Art. 16 The fall of projection shall be computed, when the athlete applies falling taking the two feet of the opponent off the ground. Or it causes the opponent to become unbalanced and the opponent, on the verge of suffering the fall, pulls defensively to guard or half-guard.


Single paragraph. It will not be considered as falling the attempt of finalization defended by the adversary that results in the unfolding of the fight in the ground. For example, the athlete who advocates a flying arm-lock and the outcome of the attack ends inside the guard on the opponent will not receive the drop points.


Art. 17 The fall of locomotion will be computed, when the athlete applies falling taking only one foot from the ground to none.


Art. 18 Only falls and quasi-falls that begin inside the fighting area and that are completed until the area of ​​escape or safety (outline of the central area) will be computed.

Single paragraph. If the fall or near fall starts in the escape or safety area will be worth if it is completed within the central fighting area. Otherwise, started in the escape or safety area and completed in the same, it will not be worth it, the fight being restarted in the center with both athletes standing.


Art. 19 In case the opponent who is receiving the fall is projected out of the fighting area, the "escape" will be characterized. In this case, the fall will not be computed, but it will be penalized with 2 (two) negative points.


Art. 20 Applied to the fall by one of the athletes and having unfolding of the same movement in an alternation of situations (in which now the slobber is above and

Or the one underneath) will be awarded the points of the fall for the athlete who remains last on top.


Art. 21 The athlete will be entitled to the points of fall, even if his conclusion is disadvantageous to him (As, for example, the athlete who applies the fall on the opponent, but ends up in the conclusion yielding the back for an opponent).


Art. 22 In case the athlete seeks at all times the combat and his opponent avoid contact, characterizing the "anti-game" (either to not expose himself in the standing fight or to "hold" the score) to this will be given a Verbal warning by the referee. If it persists, it will be characterized as "escape" being penalized with 2 (two) negative points.



Positions that are worth points


Art. 23 After the fall, the guard pull or any situation that leads the fight to the ground, for the purposes of points

The following positions are recognized:

- Guard gateway;

- Scraping;

- Reversion;

- Knee in the belly;

- Mounted;

- Footprint in the back;


Art. 24 The guard will be characterized when the athlete can reach the position of "Cem Quilos", "half-nine" (or north-south) or any other similar position, where the opponent's dominance in that position is characterized An interval of 3 seconds.


Paragraph 1 In case the opponent is able to hold, even if only, the foot of the athlete who is passing, it will still not be characterized the passage of guard;

§ 2º In case the athlete defending the position, is able, before completing the 3 seconds, to stay of four, will not be characterized the passage of guard.


Art. 25 Scraping is characterized whenever the athlete applies technique or movement that matters in the exchange of positioning between the athletes. That is, what is below can get over, and the top is getting below.


§ 1º It is important that the technique or movement of the scraping comes from the guard or half guard. Not being valid, for scoring accounting purposes, the change of position cited in the caput, of the athlete who reverses the position of the position of the mount or past guard;

§ 2º If there is loss of contact in the movement, or similar movements with attack / fall defense, the points of the fall will be counted.


Paragraph 3. In the hypothesis considered in the previous paragraph, if the athlete who is being scraped is successful in his defense and is able to re-design his opponent to the ground, nothing will be counted. Except for the cases of paragraph four of this article, in which the points of fall for the athlete who made the fall must be counted, after defending himself from the scraping.


Art. 26 Any technique or movement that counts in the position change between the athletes will be counted as reversion, that is, what is below can get over, and the top will be below, except when it is characterized Scraping.

§ 1º The athlete who is suffering from the set up and is able to leave it (either through the "upa" or any other movement), the points of reversion will not be counted.

§ 2º To the athlete that is able to leave the position "Cem Quilos", half-nine (or north south) or any other characterizing of passage

From the guard, to the end of the movement over the opponent, the points of reversion will be counted, not those of scraping.


Art. 27 The knee in the belly will be characterized whenever the athlete is able to place the tip of the knee or the cinnamon on the belly, chest or rib of the opponent, demonstrating mastery of the position in an interval of 3 seconds.


Art. 28 The assembly shall take place whenever the athlete above is able to sit on the trunk of the opponent above the waist line and below the arms of the opponent being mounted.


§ 1º For the assembly to be characterized, it is necessary that the athlete is turned towards the head of the opponent being assembled. The points are not counted in the case of an inverted mount.


Paragraph 2 - It shall be valid for a rider to take possession of only one arm of the mounted opponent. Therefore, points will also be counted in the situation where the athlete who is attacking the triangle (of legs) will mount on the opponent (still with the triangle in place) and stabilize the position for 3 (three) seconds.


Paragraph 3. The assembly shall not be characterized if the athlete does not master the arm of at least one arm of the mounted opponent.


§ 4 The assembly, as set forth in the caput of this article, shall be considered with the opponent on his back, on the ground, on his side, or on his stomach.


Paragraph 5 The "back-mounted" position, in which the mount is made with the opponent facing forward, does not include the situation described in paragraph 3 of this article. Therefore, in order to be characterized by riding on the back (with the opponent facing down), it is necessary that the athlete is seated above the waist and under the arms of the mounted opponent.


Art. 29 The Footprint by the Coasts shall be characterized whenever the athlete is able to dominate the back of the opponent by placing the two hooks between the legs of the front of the opponent, or being backpacked (with a triangle of legs closed in the belt line dominating the Opponent's back).


Single paragraph. The footprint will also be valid in the back, with one of the arms of the opponent trapped by one of the hooks or inside the triangle of the "backpack".

Prohibited blows.


Art. 30 In order to preserve the physical integrity of the athletes and increase the sportsmanship of the sport, the following strokes are prohibited:

For all categories: "Pile stake" and cervical keys.

Up to the purple range: lion kills from the front (either north-south or mounted) and neck twists.


Up the blue lane: Leg lock, heel wrench, cow hand and American standing.

Art. 31 In all categories of children and young people, regardless of the range, all prohibitions provided for in the previous article shall apply, in addition to:

High projection falls (such as Suple, Kata Guruma);

Calf or bicep keys;

Foot switches (except the straight foot switch, in the youth categories).


From the accounting of points


Art. 32 The points will be counted according to the technique and the positioning carried out as follows:

Mounted - 4 points.

Footprint on the back - 4 points.

Full fall (projection) 2-point.

Fall of locomotion (half fall) - 1 point.

Guard pass - 3 points.

Scraping - 2 points.

Reversal - 1 point.

Knee in the belly - 1 point.


Article 33 The points will be scored by the central referee and annotated by the board, always respecting the progressive criterion of the scoring positions. Since the main objective of the fight is finalization, the score (secondary objective) will serve only as a tiebreaker criterion.

§ 1º The progressive criterion of positions consists in marking the points whenever the athlete seeks a position of greater technical mastery, thus not counting the points when an athlete decides to leave voluntarily a position, already counted, to repeat it and Gain points Again.


§ 2 The transition of the front-mounted / rear-mounted / front-mounted assembly, provided stabilized for 3 (three) seconds, will always generate the stitch count

§ 3 The knee in the belly will be counted once for each progression.

Art. 34 The negative points must also be marked by the central referee and noted by the board.


Single paragraph. Due to penalties, the balance of points may be negative.


Application and knowledge of rules

Art. 35 All participants are considered to be knowledgeable about the rules.

Single paragraph. Any questions should be asked to the central referee until the athletes are called to the center. After that, the allegation of ignorance or doubt about the rules will no longer be allowed, and therefore, the athlete will be responsible for the infractions he may commit.


The conditions of the athlete in competition

Art. The athlete must, before the beginning of each fight, be properly dressed in clothes that are consistent with the practice of the sport, present adequate physical and hygienic conditions. You can only fight after checking the weight and category compatibility.

Single paragraph. Failure to comply with any of the above requirements will result in the athlete's unfitness and consequent disqualification of the athlete.


Art. 37 It will be allowed as a combat suit: shorts, shorts, suplex, overalls (of the Olympic fight),

Lycra shirts, t-shirts, or the like.

§ 1 You can not use Kimono, not even the part of the pants.

Paragraph 2. The organization of the event or of the referee shall be understood not compatible with the modality of the suits used for the athlete, it shall require an exchange. Disobeyed the order, the athlete will be considered unfit to fight.

§ 3º The Athlete does not perform props (earrings, necklaces, bracelets and etc.).

Art. 38 The athlete must be physically fit to practice the sport, which does not endanger his physical integrity and is not his adversary.

Paragraph 1 - Whenever the central referee is what the athlete is unable to declare the athlete unfit to fight (such as the athlete with signs of conjunctivitis, cut on the eyebrow and etc.).

Paragraph 2 In cases in which the physician is exempted, the central referee may be flagged as unfit to fight (such as watching for signs of drunkenness, vomiting, etc.).

§ 3 At the request of the opposing party, the central referee, or not start to fight for the doctor to state the physical condition of the athlete.


Art. 39 The athlete must be in adequate hygienic conditions to practice the sport with a few cuts and personal hygiene in day.

Paragraph 1 The tests shall be performed under adequate hygienic conditions.

Paragraph 2. Failure to comply with any of the conditions of the previous right, the athlete shall be declared unfit to fight.

Art. 40 The use of any substance in the body to leave the same slippery, more adherent or provoke burning or reactions related to opponents matter unfitness of the athlete to fight.

§ 1 The process of detecting the use of the substance before the beginning of the fight is given by science for the retirement of the body.

§ 2º If the athlete refuses or is unable to withdraw from his time, or detected to this condition.

Conduct of teams and athletes


Art. In any and every event, the athlete and his team to an appropriate posture with social and social principles, acting with the urbanity in relation to the organization and arbitration of the event, other athlete and public.

Art. 42 Failure to respect the rules, the organization of the event, arbitration, the adversary and the general public.

Single paragraph. Any occurrence, is not the result of the events, will be reported individually and analyzed later, by the arbitration council so that, in this case, apply as appropriate sanctions for both athletes and other team members.

Of infringements

Art. 43 The athlete is not related to the fights and the races must seek a victory within the sports limits and standards.

Art. 44 It is considered conduct slight infraction:

Dissimulation of orders issued by the central referee;

Lack of combativeness or moorings of struggle;

Proposed escape from the fighting area for any reason;

Make footprints that involve twisting of fingers;

Hold or make footprint on opponent's clothing;

Push the opponent's face during a standing fight;

Either provoke the opponent during a fight or push him to put him to the fighting area, or even to intimidate him.

§ 1 Verified as a hypothesis above an arbitrary arbitrator verbally in case of recidivism, or even be punished with 2 (two) negative points. In the third punishment, for any reason, the athlete will be disqualified.

Paragraph 2. As the above-described conducts are exemplary, the hypotheses that the sense of the arboreal or the table are regarded as infractions of the same degree, should be applied the rule of the previous paragraph

Art. 45 It is considered a serious infraction:

Disobedience to the orders of the central referee;

Execution of any prohibited blow;

Cover the opponent's nose and mouth with hands;

Biting, pulling hair, striking or holding as genitals, punching, elbowing or punching the opponent's body, any other attitude that bizarrely confronts, as rules of the modality;

Offending or assaulting members of the organization, arbitration, adversary or public;

§ 1º Verified as a hypothesis above the agency, giving a victory to his opponent.

Paragraph 2. As the conduct described above is exemplary, the hypotheses are made by an arbitral tribunal or by a court or by a court or by a court.

Art. 46. Whenever the coach or other team members disagree with the organization, the referee or the opponents,

Disqualified your act in that fight (if for that matter). Subject to other sanctions subsequently imposed on the Arbitral Council, as explained in the report.

Final dispositions

Art. 47 The rules contained in this manual shall apply to any painting performed by ALLDERJ or at any events held by the institution.

Art. 48. Since the references to weighing, categories, competition model and other information are supplemented according to what provides for an organization of each event.


Todos os Diretos Reservados a CBLLD

Produzido pelo Grão Mestre Eugenio Tadeu

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